Affiliate members hold a prominent and appreciated role within the association. The support of our Affiliates significantly contributes to the success of our programs and our REALTOR members.
Your benefits as an Affiliate member include:
- Networking through events, classes, and community outreach project by joining a committee.
- “Welcome” post on our public Facebook page
- Buseinss cards are displayed at both RALSC location (Please bring your business cards to the office)
- Listed in our Member Directory
- Access to Working Advantage a discount program.
- Access to our closed members-only Facebook group
- Access to the Corporate Ally Program to receive recongnition from State and National associations.
- Access to our Sponsorship program. This program allows you to purchase sponsorships and advertise on our website or social media.
- We offer a complimentary video interview showcasing your business on our YouTube and social media platforms.
- Affiliate meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 9am-10am. The meeting offers Association information, Sponsorhips details, and classes to help you build your business.
- Access our monthly “Affiliate Avenue” Newsletter. The newsletter details events, open sponsorships, social media analytics and much more!